Dilraba Dilmurat wearing Yumi Katsura Couture Collection at WEIBO Awards Ceremony 2020

On February 28th 2021, the “WEIBO Awards Ceremony 2020” was held in Shanghai, China.

“WEIBO Awards Ceremony 2021” is the event that honors actors, artists, cultured persons, characters, companies, etc., who are active on WEIBO (China’s largest SNS) have a significant influence in China. It was live-streamed in real-time to users all over the world.

At the event, Dilraba Dilmurat, an actress attracting a lot of attention from all over the world, wore Yumi Katsura’s couture dress and drew the audience.

Dilraba Dhirumurat is a popular actress from Uyghur, China, who has been voted the most beautiful face in Asia for her elegance and sophisticated beauty. The use of our dress this time was made possible by catching her eye.

This dress is one of the haute couture dresses from Yumi Katsura’s collection, and it’s a modern representation of the 1920’s world of “The Great Gatsby”. The graceful ensemble style consists of a dazzling haute couture embroidered dress with a Yumi-Line silhouette and a dynamic ostrich feather gown. The dress’s presence brought out the best in her, and the audiences catch a breath at her beauty.

中国人气演员迪丽热巴穿上Yumi Katsura高级定制系列


2月28日,年度荣誉典礼-微博之夜于上海盛大举行,当天云集各界有名人士,演员,歌手,企业代表等,受到高度瞩目,除了现场观众外更安排网上直播,令全世界观众能实时观赏红毯盛况与颁奖典礼。受到世界瞩目的人气演员迪丽热巴·迪力木拉提穿上Yumi Katsura高级定制系列中的珍藏作品在红毯华丽登场,


迪丽热巴·迪力木拉提出生于新疆乌鲁木齐市,被选为亚洲最美女明星No.1,气质高贵并具透明感,这次活动的服装是受到本人喜爱,品牌亦全力支持而实现。此晚装为Yumi Katsura高级定制系列中的珍藏作品之一,主题是1920年代的盖茨比的华丽风格加上现代感的设计而成。品牌代表裙型“由美线条”(Yumi Line)的晚装使用高级定制技术的耀眼刺绣,配搭蓬松飘逸的驼鸟毛拖地皮草,完美的配搭衬托出迪丽热巴·迪力木拉提的高贵,美丽得让人屏息。

Hair Style:刘雪孟
Photo:Chris崔峻超 ​

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From the day it is worn, the new love story begins